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Attracting Talent Over the Christmas Period

Attracting Talent Over the Christmas Period


It’s almost New Year’s Day already, and that means its time for you to think about your future talent hunting strategy. Businesses need skilled employees throughout the year, but it seems like everyone kicks back and relaxes during the holiday season. How do you make up for this recruitment shortage? Don’t work harder, work smarter with innovative strategies to recruit fresh talent.

Network Both In and Outside of Your Business

Networking is one of the cornerstones of a modern company’s recruitment strategy. Studies have shown that people will trust a brand and look favorably on a company if someone they know personally recommends it. The holiday season is a great time to reconnect with your list of contacts. You can also take this opportunity to get the word out about about your services in the new year.

Shine a Candlelight on Your Company Brand

Branding is about so much more than just the appearance of your company and website. It also covers how you’re seen by other businesses and people in the community. A candidate is much more likely to take interest in a brand that they’re familiar with, one that is seen as an authority in the field. The social media generation is also very sensitive to social causes. This is where you can build some brand credibility by creating a New Year’s soup kitchen drive or backing local outreach programs, for example.

Develop Fun and Innovative Promotion Campaigns

Some strategies, like increasing referral bonuses, remain tried and true. However, people are attracted to what’s fun and new. You can increase your recruitment impact by also combining social media and advertising campaigns with a fun twist. For example, you can host a Facebook competition, create a promotional charity fun run for good press, or structure an initiative that encourages candidates to send in resumes and interview before January 1st.

‘Sleigh’ the Competition by Becoming Social Media Savvy

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when considering how many social media platforms there are, from Facebook to Pinterest. However, with savvy use you’ll only need to master a few to connect with potential employees over the holidays. It’s important to think about your company and your personal strengths. Some platforms are image-heavy while others rely on chatty engagement. This should help you choose the right social media outlet for your recruitment drive.

Make Your Website Mobile Friendly

Your website is an essential part of your brand and recruitment strategy. It’s one of the first things that a potential employee will be looking at … or backing out of, if it isn’t formatted correctly on their phone. It’s estimated that over 40% of job seekers use their phone during their job hunt. Smartphone use also surges during awkward family holiday dinners. Make sure your recruitment content is reaching them by checking if your site’s mobile friendly. If it isn’t, a web designer can help you make the necessary changes.

‘Tis the Season to Partner With a Recruitment Agency

Even with all of these strategies, it can be tricky to find the right employee for your business. That’s where a recruitment agency can help. Ad-VANCE Talent Solutions is one of the Gulf’s leading recruitment agencies, with a wide-reaching network of experienced talent. We can fill staffing needs in a variety of industries including hospitality, health care, clerical, temp positions, and more. Contact us today to get started finding the best recruits in the area.