by advance | Oct 25, 2020 | Job Search & Interview Tips, Job Seeker
Getting ready for that interview? Here are several things to keep in mind. Studies have shown that most interviewers make up their mind within the first four minutes (or less) of the interview. Much of their decision will be based on non-verbal signals they pick up...
by advance | Aug 27, 2020 | Job Seeker
By now you’ve probably read many articles about covid-19 and you may not even be certain that you want to read one more! But if you do have a little time to spare some of these ideas might be useful for you. First: Create a routine for yourself. One of the most...
by advance | Jul 19, 2018 | Job Search & Interview Tips, Job Seeker
When choosing a recruitment agency to staff your business, you need to make sure you’re asking the right questions. You want to pick an agency that is up to date with the latest recruiting tactics, not one that’s stuck decades in the past. The right...
by advance | May 4, 2018 | Career Advancement, Job Seeker
Have you ever heard about starting your day off on the right foot? There’s solid science and hard-won experience behind this working man’s mantra. What you do during your first and last 20 minutes at work can have a big impact on how the rest of the...
by advance | Jan 29, 2018 | Career Advancement, Job Seeker
Innovation is a big word in the employment world. You hear it so often that it may seem like a buzzword, but it’s more than that. The job market is constantly changing and the workforce needs to learn new skills and adapt with the times. Instead of...
by advance | Sep 28, 2017 | Job Seeker, Resume Tips
Did you know that the average hiring manager or recruiter spends an just 6 seconds or less looking at each resume they receive? When you’re competing against about 250 other resumes, you need to make your’s stand out from the crowd. Six Quick Ways...