Home » Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day!


Labor Day is a holiday created for YOU!

Think of it as the federal government’s way of saying: “we respect and appreciate the work you do and this country would be absolutely nowhere without your dedication, ingenuity, and hard work!”

Here’s a little history lesson for you to ponder as you hit the beaches or kick back at home with a little umbrella in your drink.  The first Labor Day was celebrated in 1882 in New York City.  It was backed by the labor movement.  From its inception, we were off to the races…the idea of celebrating a “workingman’s holiday” spread like wildfire!  Municipalities then state after state quickly passed legislation until the federal government declared it a national holiday in 1894.

Incidentally, Labor Day is also viewed as the official end of summer.  We know that’s dreadful news for some of you but on the plus side it means that high season is on its way!  If you’ve been out of the job market, now is an ideal time to get back in the game.  If you could use some extra cash for the holidays, it’s a great time to start thinking of picking up some seasonal employment.

Whether you’re looking for

  • full-time
  • part-time
  • permanent, or
  • temporary

employment, we can help!

Whether you’re a teenager, a recent college grad, a mom whose kids have just started school, a veteran of the U.S. Military, an entry level worker or a C-level executive, Ad-VANCE Talent Solutions has the opportunities and expertise to help you navigate and find your niche in the local job market.  So update your resume, fill out the online application at ad-vance.com and apply for one of the many jobs we’re currently recruiting for.

And in the meantime: enjoy the day–you earned it!