Ad-VANCE is proud to have recently joined the national initiative, America Wants You, to help military veterans get back to work! America Wants You was initiated by multiple large, private-sector organizations, including Waste Management & GE. With the unemployment rate of our military veterans recently climbing above 800,000; We have to work together to ensure we’re helping veterans find employment once they return from serving our country. In the months and years to come, more and more war-time troops will be separating from the military. When we called on these hundreds of thousands of men and women to fight for us, they were there. Now, let’s be there for them.
As a former military spouse who struggled with starting a career while serving, I believe it is important to also note the struggle that military families face when seeking employment. The government has launched the Military Spouse Employment Partnership, and now it is up to those of us in the private sector to follow suit!
You, too, can join the cause at: Beyond this initiative (and even if you don’t have any job opportunities to offer,) you can support our troops, just by being AWARE of the struggles that our veterans and their families face when seeking employment during and after their service to our country.