Stretching helps to prevent injury, energizes you, and increases circulation. It sends oxygen to your brain so you can think better. While these are definitely good ones for work, be sure not to perform these stretches on a rolling chair.
Hamstring stretch: Sit at the edge of a stable chair with one leg outstretched. Bending at the hips and keeping a straight back, fold your torso down toward your legs to the point that you feel a gentle—but not excruciating—stretch. Hold for 60 seconds to give your muscles time to release. Repeat on the other side then repeat two more times on each side.
Sitting twist: Sit at the edge of a stable chair with your feet planted directly under your knees and your back straight. Inhale then place your hands on the right side of the chair and twist as far as you can to the right. Lead from your belly button and let your neck turn last (after your belly button won’t turn any further). Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat on the other side then do two more reps, alternating from side to side. Not only does this stretch your abdominal muscles but—perhaps more importantly—it massages your internal organs and squeezes out toxins.
Back and shoulder stretch: Sit on the edge of a stable chair with your legs wide, your feet planted, and your hands clasped behind you. Inhale then exhale folding at the hips and allowing your chest to fall between your legs. Let your clasped hands stretch as if they are going to go over your head. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat 3 more times.