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What do Hispanics and Obama Care have in common?


Boosting the number of enrollees beyond the 6.7 million who signed up the first year of Obama Care depends on reaching those who’ve been long uninsured or who’ve never been insured.  With Hispanics accounting for a large share of the nation’s uninsured, they’ve become a highly desirable demographic to market in year two of the nation’s health care overhaul.

Only 11 percent of those who enrolled during the initial ACA sign-up period ending this past March were Hispanic, but—with tactics that have come into play since the second round of enrollment that opened in mid-November—that could change quickly. Through tables set up at Wal-marts and outside of supermarkets, insurance companies are connecting with Hispanics and informing them about health insurance policies and subsidies they qualify for.  Spanish speaking agents and Spanish language television programs are helping to spread the word.

The recent executive order regarding immigrants not working legally in this country won’t make immigrants eligible to buy health insurance in federal exchanges.  Nevertheless, reaching eligible Hispanics is a no-brainer for ACA supporters.