1. Apply to Jobs you are QUALIFIED for. You may not receive a call-back from us, or from other employers, if you are applying for a job which you don’t meet the qualifications for. Employers post minimum qualifications for a reason, and if you don’t meet them, expect to be moved to the “no” pile. Finding a job is a full-time job. Why waste your time and the employer’s time? Focus on jobs you DO qualify for!
2. Target your resume to the job. If they are asking for specific skills that you have, highlight those skills. Add extra bullet points under your previous jobs that relate to the one you’re applying for. THIS DOES NOT MEAN COPY & PASTE THE JOB DESCRIPTION! Trust us, employers will notice your copy & paste job…
3. Stand out. In this job market, you can expect that hundreds of resumes are coming in for every job you apply to. Even when we’ve narrowed down candidates and submitted you to the employer, your resume standing out is still very important. LEAD WITH YOUR STENGTHS … If you have relevant certifications, highlight them. If your education is the most relevant part of your experience, put it FIRST on the resume. If you had a job five years ago that matches the one you’re applying for, beef that job up and add extra bullet points to highlight it!
4. Make sure your contact information is current and you are available to answer. If we can’t reach you, we can’t consider you! Make sure your phone number is current, you give multiple numbers if you have them, and you are available to take our call. If employers have to leave multiple messages or play phone tag, they are going to move on to the next candidate.
5. Be prepared for a phone interview. Gone are the days of employers initially calling just to briefly set up a face-to-face interview. That fist phone call is GOING to be a phone screen. Find a quiet place, answer the phone professionally, and be prepared to answer interview questions.
HAPPY HUNTING! We look forward to receiving your targeted resume for jobs you qualify for and having a great phone screen when we call!