The one thing you can be sure of in today’s job market is that it is always changing. You probably keep your skills honed and stay on top of trends in your area of work. Unfortunately, you may learn that your job is at risk. This can happen for a number of reasons from corporate downsizing to an evolving vision of the future of the company. If you’re worried about your career’s progress, here are five strategies to connect with a great new job.
Put Your Current Job to the Five Year Test
You’ve probably heard about the Five Year Plan. This is when someone such as a job recruiter asks where you see yourself in five years. This personalized career blueprint should include what field you want to work in, which duties and responsibilities you’d like to take on, and what kind of salary and benefits you want. If you stay at your current workplace, can you achieve this in five years? If not, it may be time to make a change.
Research the Job Market
There’s an epidemic of highly experienced people settling for jobs below their skill levels and outside of their interests. Why is this? In the current economy, people are working at less than ideal jobs in exchange for a steady paycheck. Many employees think this will be just a temporary position, but they fall into a rut as the months and years pass. When the company’s shaken up and you find your career at risk, it’s time to take a look at what the job market has to offer.
Test the Employment Waters With Your CV
You can get a good snapshot of the local employment market by polishing off your CV and sending it out. Make sure you’ve updated it to reflect the experience, training, and professional qualifications you’ve earned recently. Next, post your CV on job hunt boards, send it to companies you’re excited to work for, and get in contact with the region’s job placement agencies. Why? Your stellar CV and understanding of the job market will give you an edge over the competition.
Network Your Way to a Winning Career
Don’t forget one of the most powerful tools in your job hunting arsenal: your network of professional contacts. If there’s someone you trust to be bluntly honest, you can ask them if there are any gaps in your skill set. Addressing those will make you more competitive during the interview process. Make sure to constantly be on the lookout for new professional connections. LinkedIn is one great resource, but other forms of social media and job fairs can also work. Keep your profile up-to-date and professional.
Make the Right Impression in Your Interview
When you’ve gotten the attention of a possible employer, it’s time to ace the interview. Remember that, even if you don’t end up getting the job, a great face-to-face experience can benefit you in other ways. The interviewer may offer you a different position in the company, give you advice on skills to work on, or point you in the direction of someone else who’s hiring.
Do you find interviews stressful and difficult? You’re not alone. A job placement company like Ad-VANCE Talent Solutions can help you get your foot in the door. Ad-VANCE has been connecting job seekers along the Gulf Coast with governmental, health care, and hospitality jobs and more for over twenty years. Contact us today to get started.