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The 6 Hottest Interviewing Tips

To be successful in your next interview:

  1. Respond clearly and directly to questions you’re asked.  Don’t ramble.  If necessary, ask that a question be repeated.
  2. Go to the interview with a few key things you’d like to share about what you have to offer and why you want to work for xyz company.  Weave your stories and facts in where it makes sense.  Also, come prepared with interesting questions to ask (ie. the kinds of things you can’t find out from the company’s website or a simple Google search).
  3. Don’t be afraid to draw from past accomplishments as well as future goals and aspirations.  Maybe you’re not at the top of your game yet, but think about how good you look if you walk in with goals that have the potential to heighten the company’s success.  Don’t pitch what you don’t truly intend to accomplish, but if you do aim to be the top producer in your region or the Project Manager of the year for the state of Florida, let the prospective employer know!  Even if you don’t reach your goal, you’ll probably be more successful than if you hadn’t set your sights so high.  Remember the saying: If you reach for the moon, you might land in the stars?  Enthusiasm, passion, and boldness will draw positive attention to you.  What company wouldn’t want to have the next best (your title) in their ranks?
  4. Don’t make empty statements—back up what you’re saying with concrete, thoughtful examples of what you’ve done, intend to do, or what you’re learning now.  If necessary, turn a deficit into an asset by seeking education, training, or mentoring.  If your computer skills are rusty, enroll in a computer class–today.  That way if you’re asked about your computer skills, you can honestly say that you’re working toward Microsoft Office Specialist status–or whatever credential is valuable in your field.  Suddenly your (former) weak point can come to light in a way that makes you look self-aware, mature, and willing to do whatever it takes to succeed.  The workforce needs people who are aware of their shortcomings–and highly motivated to learn and grow.  Note: this does not necessarily apply if the skill in question is a core requirement of the job.
  5. Boldly claim your knowledge and skills wherever you may have learned them.  Draw on all relevant experience even if it comes from  your life outside of work.  You may need a degree to land an interview for some positions, but often no one cares whether you learned what you know through reading a book, going to college, or travelling to Timbuktu.
  6. You’re likely to be most effective and well-received telling the stories of your career in this format:
  • Goal: What was the goal of whatever project you’re describing?
  • Obstacle: What roadblocks or challenges did you encounter?
  • Solution: How did you overcome the challenges?  (if it was accomplished through a team effort, don’t leave that out)
  • Number: What were the results (preferably, in numbers)